QHHT Session #02

Excerpt from August’s 2017 QHHT session

Part 2: The Purple planet

Kaleb (Caleb) dies; is taken to the stars in space.  I am taken to an area of space, it is very dark (“like the night sky”) save the stars which are above me (and all around me). I feel nothing, only that I am there and kind of enjoying it. I don’t feel I need to be anywhere. Then, I begin to move “up” feel my speed increase as I am sped through was seems as time/space travel. I feel a sense of lightness as I break through the darkness and enter into a bright blue sky with lots of white clouds, but it is not Earth. I do not know where I am; no one or any thing is around to make sense of where this is. While in the midst of trying to understand where I am, I’m instantly pulled away again – this time I am traveling in a tunnel!  But wait, this tunnel [I feel] is created because of the speed I am traveling at, not because I had entered one.

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